Like many gardeners I have a persistent weed problem. Well several, but the one I'm battling at the moment is
Oxalis pes-caprae, commonly known as sour grass or Bermuda buttercup (though the plant comes from South Africa, not Bermuda).
Oxalis pes-caprae in the garden of someone who says, "Well at least it's green and has pretty flowers." |
The picture above is NOT my garden. It is one I saw with shock and horror in Santa Cruz recently. The entire front yard is a sea of sour grass.
While I can get disheartened seeing those little clover-like leaves sprouting up from each plant's single main stem every flipping year, I do see less and less the more and more I pull early in the season - before the bulblets start to form along the stem. I hand pull and try to get as much of the root as I can.
THIS is my garden. I am definitely making progress. This is an area I've worked on for two years. |
The worst thing areas are where the Oxalis grows among native blackberry (
Rubus ursinus) which is covered with exceedingly thin prickles that get
into the skin but won't get out.
I focus my efforts on a couple of garden areas, working thoroughly and repeatedly before the bulblets come. And then do the best I can on the rest. Next year - the same procedure, but many fewer plants in the focus areas. Some areas are almost clear now, just a few plants to pull. But it's a long haul.
To avoid depression, I focus on a defined small patch that I can clear by the end of one weeding session. That way, I can feel a sense of accomplishment when I'm done, rather than the endless torments of Sisyphus's gardening sister. If I find myself scrabbling at the plant tops, not really pulling each plant in Zen-like serenity - I know I've been too optimistic about what I can achieve in one session.
The Patch Weeded - and Beyond. (The slab is for a garden seat TBD.) |
It's especially rewarding if you can do a bit of planting in the cleared area afterwards.
I added some local Juncus to the weeded area to help stabilize the down-slope side of the path. |
The other thing about adding plants is it gives you a reason to weed there again, with hope for the future. And plantings can help shade out the Oxalis. So I'm told.
And speaking of Oxalis...
I have to be careful not to weed the locally native redwood sorrel, Oxalis oregana! |
The yearly task is still daunting but less so every year. The only good thing about sour grass is that it disappears in early spring, so I can live in a pleasant delusion of success — until November rolls around again!
There are other approaches, and I'm working on one of them in this part of the garden - the north slope part. That is to sheet mulch the long snaking path that goes around the contour of the hillside. More on that anon!
Happy new year to one and all - may your gardening year ahead be full of growing - and weeding - success.