Desert sunflower (I think) along I-210 |
I know it's been a while since I've posted - and thanks so much to Ms. Country Mouse for diligently continuing the blog and finding such a great new theme!
Truth be told, I wanted something interesting to write about - and today, I finally have it! Last weekend Mr. Mouse and I traveled the long way south to see the desert in bloom, and it was amazing. Even along the way, the flowers beckoned. Unfortunately, you can't just stop the car and get off the freeway - but so enjoyable, the colors, and every once in a while the fragrance.
When we finally got to Anza Borrego State Park, we were ready to get out of the car and have a look around!
Desert sunflowers along Henderson Canyon Road |
This was a super bloom year in the state park, and the weekend before - the peak of the bloom - traffic was backed up for several hours! But we were lucky to be one week later, and even though it was a Sunday, there was parking everywhere, and the crowds had thinned.
Desert evening primrose |
Different areas had completely different blooms, so we got out of the car several times, mulled about for a bit, then drove to the next special spot. Above, desert evening primrose with huge blooms (2 inch, maybe.
Sand verbena |
Palo verde tree, desert sunflower, and succulents |
At the visitor center, the variety of plants was especially enticing. We saw blooming Palo Verde trees, sunflowers, and many other plants including succulents and cacti.
Indigo bush (Psorothamnus schottii) |
We stopped by at the visitor center to get a map, and walked around a little more enjoying the spectacular blooms and the people enjoying the blooms. Also butterflies, birds - a big explosion before things go mostly dormant again.
Because we were late in the season, we had the special pleasure to enjoy Ocatillo in bloom.
Ocatillo |
Ocatillo close-up |
P.S. In case you're wondering: Yes, we did find the beautiful notch-leafed phaecelia, but I didn't manage to get a decent photo. A great reason to go back!