Blank? well not really.
But a lot of space to be turned from ruined wilderness - the top of the hill was probably pushed down here when our home was built 33 years ago - into a wilderness garden that blends into untouched forest. Well, untouched since clearcut maybe 80 maybe 100 years ago - as was most of the redwood along the Central Coast of California.
This phase is daunting. I come from tiny British pocket-handkerchief gardens. My vision doesn't extend farther than the reach of a watering can.
But wow, what I place we get to live in here. And how we enjoy it.
For me enjoyment is never unmixed with worry. I worry that I'm spoiling the land. That I should take the "weed and wait" approach. But waiting doth not a garden make.
I just read Kat Anderson's book, "Tending the Wild," and it hit home. Humans as well as animals and plants interact to make the microbioregion they all participate in. There is no getting away from it. No John Muir standing back and just having a bunch of awe before breakfast. Well, that's not true actually. Some of my best awe happens before breakfast. But then there are weeds to pull, branches to trim up -- and planting plans to make.
Nature will indeed just happen in our north garden. The open area will quickly return to weedy grasses and mixed evergreen forest. If I were not living here, I'd just weed and wait and let the forest return. But I do live here. And though it seems counter intuitive, because most of the winds come from the cool damp coast, the worst fires will come from the north, driven by hot, dry inland winds surging towards the coast.
So I want it to be mostly redwoods, then mostly low vegetation with shrubs interspersed.
I also know I'll fail. I won't be able to take down the lovely toyons that are 30 feet tall.
I won't be able to resist planting too many flowering currants because I know they will look lovely in spring. But - fire safety will be in my mind and I'll do my best. And then I'll worry that none of it will matter anyway and why am I doing this and....
But I will have unmixed pleasure in attempting to bring the very local natives in, and increase the ones that are there already, around the forest edges especially. And I'll plant a few bright nursery-bought natives from other parts of California (I think of these as ornamentals with wildlife value) like coast sunflower from the south of California, in the garden zone closer to the house, and I'll keep them pruned and a little irrigated so they are not brittle-dry. And some low bees' bliss sage, and deer grass, to make some impact. And maybe some Winifred Gilman sage which I love for its color and scent. I might even put a little English lavender near a bench, for old times sake. It doesn't escape its garden boundaries.
Here is a list of plants whose seeds I've recently gathered locally, or I already have in pots, or it is growing wild on the property already. I'm not done with the list, either. Another time I'll do the list again, with pictures. I need to get away from the computer as I've been at it for too many days in a row!
The valley has sunny and shady areas - the plants are not arranged by sun/shade needs:
Adenocaulon bicolor, trail plant
Aquilegia formosa, western columbine
Artemisia californica, sage brush
Artemisia douglasiana, mugwort
Boykinia saxifrage
Carex globosa, a kind of sedge
Eriogonum nudum, naked buckwheat
Eriophyllum confertiflorum, golden yarrow
Frangula californica, coffeeberry
Heteromeles californica, toyon
Heuchera micrantha, alum root
Holodiscus discolor, seafoam
Juncus patens, common rush
Lupinus albifrons, silver bush lupine
Lupinus arboreus - lavender bush lupine
Lupinus bicolor, little annual lupine
Maianthemum racemosum, false feathery lily of the valley
Melica torreyana, melic grass
Mimulus aurantiacus, sticky monkeyflower
Monardella villosa, coyote mint
Oxalis oregana, redwood sorrel
Prosartes hookeri, Hooker's fairy bells
Rhamnus californica, coffeeberry
Ribes (unk - from CNPS sale) flowering currant
Rosa gymnocarpa, wood rose
Rubus parviflora, thimbleberry
Salvia spathacea, hummingbird sage
Solidago californica, goldenrod
Stachys bullata, hedgenettle (not a nettle!)
Stipa cernua, nodding needlegrass
Stipa lepida, foothill needlegrass
Symphoricarpos mollis, creeping snowberry
etc! To be continued.
But a lot of space to be turned from ruined wilderness - the top of the hill was probably pushed down here when our home was built 33 years ago - into a wilderness garden that blends into untouched forest. Well, untouched since clearcut maybe 80 maybe 100 years ago - as was most of the redwood along the Central Coast of California.
This phase is daunting. I come from tiny British pocket-handkerchief gardens. My vision doesn't extend farther than the reach of a watering can.
But wow, what I place we get to live in here. And how we enjoy it.
For me enjoyment is never unmixed with worry. I worry that I'm spoiling the land. That I should take the "weed and wait" approach. But waiting doth not a garden make.
Another view so you can see kind of what's on the other side and imagine that black barrier gone and a bamboo fence curving around behind the oak there. |
I just read Kat Anderson's book, "Tending the Wild," and it hit home. Humans as well as animals and plants interact to make the microbioregion they all participate in. There is no getting away from it. No John Muir standing back and just having a bunch of awe before breakfast. Well, that's not true actually. Some of my best awe happens before breakfast. But then there are weeds to pull, branches to trim up -- and planting plans to make.
Nature will indeed just happen in our north garden. The open area will quickly return to weedy grasses and mixed evergreen forest. If I were not living here, I'd just weed and wait and let the forest return. But I do live here. And though it seems counter intuitive, because most of the winds come from the cool damp coast, the worst fires will come from the north, driven by hot, dry inland winds surging towards the coast.
So I want it to be mostly redwoods, then mostly low vegetation with shrubs interspersed.
I also know I'll fail. I won't be able to take down the lovely toyons that are 30 feet tall.
Lovely toyons thirty feet tall, mixed with madrones, backed by redwoods - oh my! (And wood rat village below, maybe populated, maybe not.) |
I won't be able to resist planting too many flowering currants because I know they will look lovely in spring. But - fire safety will be in my mind and I'll do my best. And then I'll worry that none of it will matter anyway and why am I doing this and....
But I will have unmixed pleasure in attempting to bring the very local natives in, and increase the ones that are there already, around the forest edges especially. And I'll plant a few bright nursery-bought natives from other parts of California (I think of these as ornamentals with wildlife value) like coast sunflower from the south of California, in the garden zone closer to the house, and I'll keep them pruned and a little irrigated so they are not brittle-dry. And some low bees' bliss sage, and deer grass, to make some impact. And maybe some Winifred Gilman sage which I love for its color and scent. I might even put a little English lavender near a bench, for old times sake. It doesn't escape its garden boundaries.
Here is a list of plants whose seeds I've recently gathered locally, or I already have in pots, or it is growing wild on the property already. I'm not done with the list, either. Another time I'll do the list again, with pictures. I need to get away from the computer as I've been at it for too many days in a row!
The valley has sunny and shady areas - the plants are not arranged by sun/shade needs:
Adenocaulon bicolor, trail plant
Aquilegia formosa, western columbine
Artemisia californica, sage brush
Artemisia douglasiana, mugwort
Boykinia saxifrage
Carex globosa, a kind of sedge
Eriogonum nudum, naked buckwheat
Eriophyllum confertiflorum, golden yarrow
Frangula californica, coffeeberry
Heteromeles californica, toyon
Heuchera micrantha, alum root
Holodiscus discolor, seafoam
Juncus patens, common rush
Lupinus albifrons, silver bush lupine
Lupinus arboreus - lavender bush lupine
Lupinus bicolor, little annual lupine
Maianthemum racemosum, false feathery lily of the valley
Melica torreyana, melic grass
Mimulus aurantiacus, sticky monkeyflower
Monardella villosa, coyote mint
Oxalis oregana, redwood sorrel
Prosartes hookeri, Hooker's fairy bells
Rhamnus californica, coffeeberry
Ribes (unk - from CNPS sale) flowering currant
Rosa gymnocarpa, wood rose
Rubus parviflora, thimbleberry
Salvia spathacea, hummingbird sage
Solidago californica, goldenrod
Stachys bullata, hedgenettle (not a nettle!)
Stipa cernua, nodding needlegrass
Stipa lepida, foothill needlegrass
Symphoricarpos mollis, creeping snowberry
etc! To be continued.